发布时间: 2020-10-27 15:10:26 点击: 3808
FT-105ASurface density measuring device of active agent
一.适用范围Scope of application:
used for the free flow of powder or granular surfactant materials, can also be used to surfactant with block mass , but the block mass should be easy to loose and granular materials without being broken.
二.参照标准Standard:ISO1064:1974;GB/T7379-2003; GB/T6373-2007表面活性剂 表观密度的测定。
ISO1064:1974;GB/T7379-2003;GB/t6373-2007 test for surface density of surfactant.
三.参数资料: Parameters
Funnel: Free flow of powder use the lower diameter of 40mm funnel (optional 1)
When there is a agglomerate powder, should be used the lower diameter of 60mm funnel (optional 2).
Receiver: the cylinder volume: 500mL
支架:用于固定漏斗; 底板有量筒定位销才
Bracket: use for fix funnel, bottom plate has a cylinder positioning pin.
截止板:110*70mm; Cut-off plate: 110*70mm
直尺:150mm ;ruler: 150mm.
材质:不锈钢材质 Material: stainless steel
外形尺寸250*250*320mmDimensions 250*250*320mm