发布时间: 2024-04-29 14:55:00 点击: 2760
FT-104C Fluorinated aluminium / aluminium oxide flowability tester
一.参数资料: Parameters
漏斗:不锈钢材质,漏斗上口外径138.5mm,内径123mm,出口直径为3.95mm~4.0mm,总高度190.5mm。上口锥度:60°,下料口锥度15°. 依据GB/T66.9.36-2008 用于氧化铝物理性能测定方法设计(流动性能)
Funnel: stainless steel, the outer diameter of upper funnel is 138.5mm,inner diameter 123mm, outlet diameter3.95mm~4.0mm, total height 190.5mm wear resistant stainless steel.
Upper taper: 60°, lower taper 15°. Based on GB/T66.9.36-2008 for design the determination method of physical properties of alumina (flow performance).